www.ruralpropertynetwork.com is an Advertising Portal and does not operate as an estate agency.

This website features properties for sale or rent from various sources, including agents, brokers, and owners. While we strive to ensure accuracy, we cannot guarantee that all property details are current or complete. Availability, prices, and features may change without notice.

Property information is provided by the private seller or estate agent and published in good faith. We advise users to exercise caution and perform due diligence when engaging with sellers. Our platform connects property owners with potential buyers or tenants, but we do not endorse or guarantee any transaction outcomes or arrangements. We are not liable for any fraudulent or misleading information submitted by sellers or for any losses arising from direct interactions with them. Verify property authenticity, ownership, and documents before making commitments or payments, and seek professional advice as needed.

The seller is solely responsible for the accuracy of the property description, including features or measurements provided.ย If the Property Owner is not using an agent, they are solely responsible for verifying the identity of any prospective buyer and for conducting all necessary due diligence to ensure the buyer is legitimate and capable of completing the purchase.ย 

Rural Life Solutions Ltd assumes no responsibility for the verification process or any consequences arising from the Ownerโ€™s or Buyer’s failure to conduct such due diligence.

We may earn commissions or revenue from advertisements and affiliate links on our site, but do not endorse or guarantee any advertised products or services. Content is for general information only and does not constitute legal advice.

We accept no liability for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages arising from the use of our website. We reserve the right to modify or remove any content on our site at any time.